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     A pearl buried inside a tightly-shut shell is practically worthless.  Government information is a pearl, meant to be shared with the public in order to maximize its inherent value.  The Transparency Seal, depicted by a pearl shining out of an open shell, is a symbol of a policy shift towards openness in acess to government information.  On the one hand, it hopes to inspire Filipinos in the civil service to be more open to citizen engagement; on the other, to invite the Filipino citizenry to exercise their right to participate in governance.  This initiative is envisioned as a step in the right direction towards solidifying the position of the Philippines as the Pearl of the Orient - a shining example for democratic virtue in the region.

Conditions Common to National Government Agencies and GOCCs
1. Transparency Seal
2.  PhilGEPS Posting
Annual Procurement Plan (APP) [2024] [2023]  [2022]
Annual Procurement Plan (APP) - CSE [2024]  
3.  Citizen's Charter  

4.  Freedom of Information (FOI)
     PNCC FOI Manual Implementing Details
     PNCC One-Page FOI Manual
     FOI Certificate [2022]
     FOI Reports [2023] | [2022] | [2021] | [2020]
     FOI Aid Tool
     FOI Feedback Report - N/A - PNCC did not receive any feedback / No FOI request was received.




5. Concrete and timebound plan and actions taken towards complying with the Government Quality Management     System Standards (GQMSS) pursuant to E.O. No. 605, s. 2007 as of October 31, 2015. - On-going (Strategic     Measure in performance Scorecard for 2023.

Looking for affordable commecial space?
We have best locations suitable for recreational and business pursuits
6 .  Timebound Action Plan for addressing COA Notice of Disallowances (ND) and Audit Observation Memoranda (AOM)
      [2022] | [2021] | [2020] | [2019] | [2018]
Conditions Specific to GOCCs covered by R.A. No. 10149:

1.  On Institutional Matter
      1.1.  Latest version of the Articles of Incorporation
      1.2.  List of subsidiaries and affiliates
      1.3.  Latest General Information Sheet and company background
      1.4.  Government Corporate Information Sheet
              [2022] | [2021] | [2020] | [2019]

Do you have any comments or suggestions that may help us improve our services?

2.  On the Board and Officers
      2.1.  List of all Directors and Officers with Attached Resume : [2023] [2019-2022] | [2018] | [2016-2017]
      2.2.  Membership in Board Committees :[2023] [2019-2022]
      2.3.  Complete compensation package of all board members and officers, including travel, representation,               transportation and any other forms of expenses or allowances :
              Report on Salaries and Allowances (ROSA) [2023] [2022] | [2021] | [2020] | [2019] | [2018]
      2.4.  Information on Board Committees and their activities

      2.5.  Attendance Record of members of the Board Committee meetings :
             Board Meetings [2023] [2022] | [2021] | [ 2020 ] | [ 2019 ] | [ 2018 ] | [ 2017 ]
             Committee Meetings

Click Here

3.  On Financial and Operational Matters
      3.1.  Audited Financial Reports within 30 days from receipt of report:

     3.2.  Audited Financial Statements in the immediate past 3 years : [2022] | [2021] | [2020] | [2019] | [2018]
     3.3.  Quarterly Reports
     3.4.  Annual Reports
     3.5.  Trial Balance
             2023 : [1st Quarter] | [2nd Quarter] | [3rd Quarter]
             2022 : [1st Quarter] | [2nd Quarter] | [3rd Quarter]  
             2021 : [1st Quarter] | [2nd Quarter] | [3rd Quarter]

             2020 : [1st Quarter] | [2nd Quarter] | [3rd Quarter]
             2019 : [1st Quarter] | [2nd Quarter] | [3rd Quarter]
. Corporate Operating Budget : [2023] | [2022] | [2021] | [2020] | [2019]
     3.7.  Local and foreign borrowings (not applicable)
     3.8.  Government subsidies and net lending (not applicable)
     3.9.  All Borrowings guarantees by the government (not applicable)
     3.10.  Any material risk factors and measures taken to manage such risks


4.  On Governance Matters


     4.1.  Charter Statement / Mission - Vision
     4.2.  PNCC Performance Scorecard and Strategy Map:
            [2023] | [2022] | [2021] | [Recalibrated 2020] | [2020] | [2018-2019] | [2015-2016]
     4.3.  Monitoring Report of Performance Targets
            2023 :
[1st Quarter & 2nd Quarter] | [3rd Quarter] | [4th Quarter]
            2022 :
 [1st & 2nd Quarter]
| [3rd Quarter] | [4th Quarter]
            2021 :
 [1st & 2nd Quarter]
| [3rd Quarter] | [4th Quarter]
            2020 : [1st & 2nd Quarter] [3rd Quarter]  [4th Quarter]
            2019 : [1st Quarter] | [2nd Quarter] | [3rd Quarter] | [4th Quarter]

     4.4  GCG Performance Target Validation
            [2022] | [2021] | [2020] | [2019]
     4.5.  Organizational Chart :
[2023] | [2022] | [2021] | [2020] | [2019] | [2018] | [2017]
     4.6.  Manual of Corporate Governance
     4.7.  CSR Statement
     4.8.  Balance Scorecard
     4.9.  No Gift Policy